Mother Goose

Mother Goose reading

The most recent addition to the Little Learners range is Mother Goose, a comprehensive music and language programme comprising a range of books, videos, audio tapes and toys to delight the new born baby, the toddler and the young child.

Drawing on music, picture animation, activity and drama it is designed to build on a child's developing ability in physical, listening, visual and verbal skills from the moment he or she is born. It also stimulates language recognition in pre-school children.

Mother Goose introduces very young children to the magical world of nursery rhymes and poems. Song, video, book and toys come together in a rich celebration of the nursery rhyme tradition. The programme is housed in a large bookcase collection or in smaller carry cases.

Whether using the Book Case Collection or the individual Carry Cases, as you work through the programme together, your child will become familiar with the rhymes and songs and can learn favourite ones off by heart

Benefits of Mother Goose Music and Language Programme

This multi-sensory programme aims to help you to maximise your child's potential for development by encouraging many basic skills in movement, speech, cognition and perception.

The use of repetition, rhythm and rhyme and the strong visual elements will help young children to develop their understanding and use of language.

The Mother Goose key words that appear throughout the books and videos will also help children to recognise and use new vocabulary in a fun-filled way

Fun and play


  • Designed to build on a child's developing ability in physical, listening, visual and verbal skills
  • It supports the role of 'play' as another important part in the development process
  • Enchants and enthrals children and parents alike
  • Nursery rhymes are part of the oral tradition of language; handed down from generation to generation and changed by events and trends as well as by the evolution of language.
  • There are no "correct versions" where oral tradition is concerned - only what sounds and pleases best.


Supports parents and caregivers

  • Provides helpful hints and advice on child development.
  • Helps to identify different stages in your child's early years and suggests ways to use play to develop language and learning.
  • Provides suggestions for extended activities for the slightly older child.
  • Helps you plan activities appropriate for your child's stage and to monitor their growth and development.
  • Can be expanded by a whole range of further activities as set out in the Guide.

With Mother Goose you will learn about and be able to participate in what are probably the most important developmental stages in your child's life - achievements you will never forget!

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